Physical, Functional and Moral Order in Genesis 1-3

Physical, Functional and Moral Order in God's creation in Genesis Chapters 1-3





To set apart, to differentiate

To diversify: each according to its kinds

Know good and evil


Mortal, with boundaries and limits, not designed to fully satisfy us, unpredictable and uncontrollable to man

God has a calling and plan for each of us, and God continues to works and shapes us to live out this calling. We can only fulfil it when we rely on God

Knowledge of good and evil belongs to God alone. God is the one who owns the decision to call something 'good'. Man has the choice to decide whether to follow, and face the consequences of the decision

God's Action

God speaks

God names (Adam also names the animals)

God decides what is good

Realm it governs

Blessings and curse,

character, roles

Good and evil 

God's Provision

Our 'portion'

Our calling

Principles, guide

Man's response

To receive

To treasure and live it out

To choose

How man may spoil it

Wrong expectations, desires more than what is assigned to us

Living a false sense of self

Choosing to define good and evil ourselves

Purpose & Significance

Enjoy the portion God has given to each of us and endorsed us to enjoy

Be the person God has created us to be, live out the calling given us

All values and moral ethical decisions

Highlights of God's character




To be sustained / lived out by



Man (to live out God's calling)


Man (to choose and execute)

Our Application

- Gratitude in the portion assigned to each of us.

- Learn to accept boundaries and limits created for us

- Not to idolize things that can never satisfy us

- Listen. Calling is not to be 'found' or 'worked out' by ourselves, but to be known by listening

- All work God has called you to do is sacred

- Be the person God has called you to be, not to be driven by worldly drives

- To resist voices of the world

- Values are not to be decided by rewards or desires, but trust the Creator knows